
“DO SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE WEAR GEMSTONES?” -           “These gems have a life in them, their colors speak, say what words fail"   It is believed that the 9 planets & their corresponding gods have an influence on humans & their destiny.   Resoundingly Yes, Successful people do wear gemstones.    Some Bollywood celebrities who wear gemstones: 1.    Mr.  Bachhan : Blue Sapphire (Neelam) & Emerald (Panna). 2.      Mrs. Neeta  : Emerald/Panna. 3.     Mr. Salman : Turquoise (Firoza) Bracelet. 4. Others such as Angelina  flaunt them as a style/fashion statement.   Gemstones carry metaphysical healing properties/energies & make ideal good luck charms.   Some people use gemstone as they are auspicious or lucky for them. Log on to              ...

"Romantic rocks - Gemstones for love & relationships."

“ROMANTIC ROCKS – GEMSTONES FOR LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS.” With valentine's day on the cards, we take a look at some gemstones that are believed to enhance romance & relationships. believers are of the opinion that crystals radiate energy that can have beneficial effect on the body. Ruby encourages true love, self - love, calmness & passion Another gemstone that relates to love is Pearl. In general, white color and white gemstones are associated with purity. Whatever your belief, it's all about pure, simple love & though crystals may or may not heal, love does. Colored gemstones are often given as anniversary gifts & symbols of love. After all, to put it simply, "There is no remedy for love, but to love more." - Happy Valentine's Day.
Predictions By Number in KP number from 1 to 249 Suppose if some one wants to know if he will pass in his examination or not...? or any other questions in yes or no. This kp number from 1 to 249 is indeed a very precise answer for this. wha t you need to do is just suddenly choose a number u will get ur answer like this Suppose some one chooses 24,25 and 48 then divide the numbers with 12 a) If the remainder -0,2,5,11---Result is Favourable b) If the remainder-1,3,7,9--Result is late and c) If the remainder-4,6,8,10-Result is Unfavourable for 24------0 is remainder---favourable for 25------1--------------------is late for48..........................0 favourable,,, Try it once it really works....for genuine gemstones visit
ताश के पत्तों में छिपा भविष्य ताश के पत्तों में छिपा डाॅ कमल प्रकाश अग्रवाल ताश के पत्तों की संख्या बावन निर्धारित की गई है। कुछ लोगों ने चंद्र वर्ष के साथ इसका मिलान भी किया है। इस तरह बारह शाही पत्ते वर्ष के बारह महीनों के प्रतीक हैं। काला और लाल रंग कृष्ण और शुक्ल पक्षों का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं। बावन पत्ते वर्ष के बावन सप्ताह हैं। चार रंग चार ऋतुएं हैं। यदि गुलाम को ग्यारह, बेगम को बारह और बाद शाह को तेरह तथा जोकर को एक माना जाए, तो अंकित चिह्नों का योग 365 के बराबर होता ह श से भविष्य बताने की विधि इस प्रकार है: इक्का, बादशाह, बेगम, गुलाम, दहला, नहला, अट्ठी तक के चारों रंग के अट्ठाइस पत्ते पहले छांट लिए जाएं। फिर जिसे अपना भविष्य ज्ञात करना हो, वह, जब तक उसकी इच्छा हो, तब तक पत्तों को मिलाए। बाद में जब वह मिलाना बंद कर दे, तब उससे कुछ पत्ते बायें हाथ से (यदि वह बायें हाथ से लिखने आदि का काम करता हो, तो दायें हाथ से) उतरवा (कटवा) लेने चाहिए। फिर जो पत्ते उतारे गए हैं, उनके ऊपर बाकी बचे हुए पत्ते, एक ही गड्डी बना कर, रख लेने चाहिए तथा क्रमशः ऊपर से नीचे की ओर का एक-एक पत्ता आखिर तक ...
Planets drishti in Astrology... continued... Saturn drishti is 3,7,10 so suppose in someone's horoscope saturn is placed in 7th house then it would affect 9th house,1st house and 4th house means destiny will not support him, there would be some health issues and property related problem... Rahu/ketu-5,7,9 rahu /ketuis related to obstacle so if rahu/ketu is placed in 1st house then it would give obstacle in study marriage and destiny....!
Planets drishti in Astrology... sun-have influence on other house from his own house having a drishti of 7 eg.suppose that sun in in Aries sign then it's influence will be on 7 from aries libra sign if we count from ascendant it comes marriage houes so it will have effect on marriage house as this planet is know to be cruel married life will be disturbed... Moon- have influence on other house fro m his own house having a drishti of 7 take same example as above planet sun if it gives drishti on 7th house it will benefitted means the house will prosper related to marriage. Mars-have influence on other house from his own house having dristhi of 4,7 and 8 it means if mars sits in 1st house then it will affect 4-house of property,7-house of marriage and 8-house of longevity..... Planets drishti in Astrology... continued... Mercury have 7 drishti Jupiter the most beneficial planet have 5, 7 and 9th drishtis.Suppose Jupiter is placed in 5th house then it will have influence on 9th house...