Planets drishti in Astrology...
sun-have influence on other house from his own house having a drishti of 7 eg.suppose that sun in in Aries sign then it's influence will be on 7 from aries libra sign if we count from ascendant it comes marriage houes so it will have effect on marriage house as this planet is know to be cruel married life will be disturbed...

Moon- have influence on other house from his own house having a drishti of 7 take same example as above planet sun if it gives drishti on 7th house it will benefitted means the house will prosper related to marriage.

Mars-have influence on other house from his own house having dristhi of 4,7 and 8 it means if mars sits in 1st house then it will affect 4-house of property,7-house of marriage and 8-house of longevity.....

Planets drishti in Astrology... continued...
Mercury have 7 drishti
Jupiter the most beneficial planet have 5, 7 and 9th drishtis.Suppose Jupiter is placed in 5th house then it will have influence on 9th house(5,6,7,8,9 count like this),11th house(5,6,7,8,9,10,11 count like this) and 1st house(5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1 count like this) if u have read my lessons then must be knowing that ninth house is related to destiny so a person's destiny will start favouring him similary 11th house is related to income- income will start increasing and 1st houe is related to himself his health and all round happiness will come.


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