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Exaltation and Debalitation of a Planet:-

Meaning of Exaltation- 

When a planet is exalted in a sign it means that it is too powerful and will give a superb result of work related to it.Like suppose if someone's venus is exalted----in his horoscope...venus is related to luxury beauty and money so in dese all areas he will be benefited.

Meaning of Debaltation-

When a planet is debalitated in a sign it means that it is too worst and will give negative result of work related to it. Like suppose if someone's venus is debalitated in his horoscope ---venus is related to luxury beauty and money so in dese all areas he will he will suffer.

Planet Exaltation sign Debalitation sign
Sun 1(Aries) Libra(7)
Moon 2(Tauraus) Scorpio(8)
Mars 10(Capricorn) Cancer(4)
Mercruy 6(Virgo) Pisces(12)
Venus 12(Pisces) Virgo(6)
Saturn 7(Libra) Aries(1)
Jupiter 4(Cancer) Capricorn(10)
Rahu 3(Gemini) Sagittarius(9)
Ketu 9(Sagittarius) Gemini(3)


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