
Showing posts from 2014
Predictions By Number in KP number from 1 to 249 Suppose if some one wants to know if he will pass in his examination or not...? or any other questions in yes or no. This kp number from 1 to 249 is indeed a very precise answer for this. wha t you need to do is just suddenly choose a number u will get ur answer like this Suppose some one chooses 24,25 and 48 then divide the numbers with 12 a) If the remainder -0,2,5,11---Result is Favourable b) If the remainder-1,3,7,9--Result is late and c) If the remainder-4,6,8,10-Result is Unfavourable for 24------0 is remainder---favourable for 25------1--------------------is late for48..........................0 favourable,,, Try it once it really works....for genuine gemstones visit
ताश के पत्तों में छिपा भविष्य ताश के पत्तों में छिपा डाॅ कमल प्रकाश अग्रवाल ताश के पत्तों की संख्या बावन निर्धारित की गई है। कुछ लोगों ने चंद्र वर्ष के साथ इसका मिलान भी किया है। इस तरह बारह शाही पत्ते वर्ष के बारह महीनों के प्रतीक हैं। काला और लाल रंग कृष्ण और शुक्ल पक्षों का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं। बावन पत्ते वर्ष के बावन सप्ताह हैं। चार रंग चार ऋतुएं हैं। यदि गुलाम को ग्यारह, बेगम को बारह और बाद शाह को तेरह तथा जोकर को एक माना जाए, तो अंकित चिह्नों का योग 365 के बराबर होता ह श से भविष्य बताने की विधि इस प्रकार है: इक्का, बादशाह, बेगम, गुलाम, दहला, नहला, अट्ठी तक के चारों रंग के अट्ठाइस पत्ते पहले छांट लिए जाएं। फिर जिसे अपना भविष्य ज्ञात करना हो, वह, जब तक उसकी इच्छा हो, तब तक पत्तों को मिलाए। बाद में जब वह मिलाना बंद कर दे, तब उससे कुछ पत्ते बायें हाथ से (यदि वह बायें हाथ से लिखने आदि का काम करता हो, तो दायें हाथ से) उतरवा (कटवा) लेने चाहिए। फिर जो पत्ते उतारे गए हैं, उनके ऊपर बाकी बचे हुए पत्ते, एक ही गड्डी बना कर, रख लेने चाहिए तथा क्रमशः ऊपर से नीचे की ओर का एक-एक पत्ता आखिर तक ...
Planets drishti in Astrology... continued... Saturn drishti is 3,7,10 so suppose in someone's horoscope saturn is placed in 7th house then it would affect 9th house,1st house and 4th house means destiny will not support him, there would be some health issues and property related problem... Rahu/ketu-5,7,9 rahu /ketuis related to obstacle so if rahu/ketu is placed in 1st house then it would give obstacle in study marriage and destiny....!
Planets drishti in Astrology... sun-have influence on other house from his own house having a drishti of 7 eg.suppose that sun in in Aries sign then it's influence will be on 7 from aries libra sign if we count from ascendant it comes marriage houes so it will have effect on marriage house as this planet is know to be cruel married life will be disturbed... Moon- have influence on other house fro m his own house having a drishti of 7 take same example as above planet sun if it gives drishti on 7th house it will benefitted means the house will prosper related to marriage. Mars-have influence on other house from his own house having dristhi of 4,7 and 8 it means if mars sits in 1st house then it will affect 4-house of property,7-house of marriage and 8-house of longevity..... Planets drishti in Astrology... continued... Mercury have 7 drishti Jupiter the most beneficial planet have 5, 7 and 9th drishtis.Suppose Jupiter is placed in 5th house then it will have influence on 9th house...
Favourable time to start your work as per as given table..part-2
I have already given Basic signification of 12 houses some more significance is listed below in the figure...Rember it it is the most important part in astrology...
Process of Gemstones Recommendation.... Gemstones in Jyotish I Prescription of Gemstone is one of the most important aspects of remedies in Jyotish Shastra. The use of Gemstone is also endorsed by shastras such as Garuda Purana which gives elaborate description of the nature of the gemstones and their use. Even though gemstone use is one of the most popular source of remedies for all ills of the  material world, may it be health, wealth or fortune, it is fraught with many misconceptions and erroneous notions of their selection and prescription. This article envisages providing consistent principles which would help the Jyotishas and laymen to select the right gemstones. GEMSTONES OF YOGAKARAKAS Since the gemstones enhance the influence of the planet in the life of the person, the gemstones for the planets giving yogas should always be chosen. To know the yoga givers or the yoga-karakas in a horoscope, studying classics such as Brhat Parashara Hora shastra should be studied. H...
Favourable time to start your work as per as given table..
Rahu kaal time Table Avoid this period to do any good things...

Maitris chart of planets

Maitris chart of planets

Awasthas of Planets:-

Awasthas of Planets:-
Go through this chart...properly..!!!
Call 022-28188585 to know which gemstone suits you Exaltation and Debalitation of a Planet:- Meaning of Exaltation-  When a planet is exalted in a sign it means that it is too powerful and will give a superb result of work related to it.Like suppose if someone's venus is exalted----in his horoscope...venus is related to luxury beauty and money so in dese all areas he will be benefited. Meaning of Debaltation- When a planet is debalitated in a  sign it means that it is too worst and will give negative result of work related to it. Like suppose if someone's venus is debalitated in his horoscope ---venus is related to luxury beauty and money so in dese all areas he will he will suffer. Planet Exaltation sign Debalitation sign Sun 1(Aries) Libra(7) Moon 2(Tauraus) Scorpio(8) Mars 10(Capricorn) Cancer(4) Mercruy 6(Virgo) Pisces(12) Venus 12(Pisces) Virgo(6) Saturn 7(Libra) Aries(1) Jupiter 4(Cancer) Capricorn(10) Rahu 3(Gemini) Sagittarius(9) Ketu 9(Sagittarius) Gemini(3)
Identify Ascendant and lords of each houses ...Self Practice...????/
Identify Ascendant and lords of each houses...Self practice..???
We are taking Second Ascendant sign Tauraus Ascendant lord-what is the number is 2 means which sign...???? Tauraus who is the planet of tauraus sign...venus so Lord of Ascendant will be Venus consider 2nd house which mini....who is the planet for gemini....???? mercury means lord of house of wealth is mercury...similarly 3-cancer-moon 4-leo-sun 5-virgo-mercury..6-libra-venus 7--scorpio-mars...8-sagittarius--jupiter...9-capricorn..saturn..10-aquarius--saturn 11-pisces...jupiter and 12th house --aries---mars....

house lord

Planets related with sign....*** Aries(1) and Scorpio(8) - Mars Tauraus(2) and Libra(7)- Venus  Gemini(3) and Virgo(6)- mercury  cancer(4)-moon  leo(5)-sun  Sagittarious(9) and Pisces(12)- Jupiter  Capricorn(10) and Aquarious(11)-Saturn House Lord.... we are taking first Ascendant sign Aries First house lord means ascendant lord here is mars second house lord means house of wealth lord is venus third house lord means house of siblings lord is mercury fourth house lord means house of happiness lord is moon fifth house lord means house of higher education lord is sun in same way 6-mercury 7-venus 8-mars 9-jupiter 10-saturn 11-saturn and 12-jupiter

Karaka of each houses(Significators of each houses)

Karaka of Each Houses(Significators of Each Houses ) 1st House- Sun 2nd House-Jupiter  3rd house-Mars 4th house-Mercury and moon 5th house-Jupiter  6th house- Mars and Saturn  7th house- Venus  8th house-saturn 9th house- Sun and Jupiter 10th house- Sun, saturn,mercury and jupiter 11th house-jupiter 12th house-Saturn ***********************Karaka Planets are those who has given an authority means if they are good then the result related to that house will also be good eg. Suppose I want to know about my wealth related query. As provided in my earlier lessons that 2nd house is the house of wealth. Significator for this house is jupiter....if it is well placed in my horoscope then i will have good the similar way all other significator is seen in the horoscope......!

Houses in Astrology

There are total 12 houses in the horoscope chart...u can see it in the image given below... 1-House-called as Ascendant 2-House-called as House of wealth(Savings) 3-House-called as House of Siblings(younger one) 4-House of Happiness and mo ther and Property owned by oneself. 5- House of Higher education,child and entertainment. 6- House of Disease,enemy and loan. 7- House of Marriage,Partnership 8-House of Longevity 9-House of Destiny 10-House of Profession 11-House of Income 12- House of Expenses
RAHU PLANET Rahu is called the shadow planet. Whenever rahu combines with any planets it destroys it's power. It is very malefic planet.It is called the planet of Politicians.A strong rahu in one's horoscope always make a person to go in op position. A person always opposes other ideas and views. It can give a sudden result in one's life dat's why it is also related with gambling and stock market. If rahu is placed in fifth house in gemini sign then a person can win in lottery, gambling or stock market. To nullify it's malefic influence wear genuine garnet gemstone gomed.... KETU PLANET Ketu is called the magician.It also gives the same result as rahu as it is the part of dragon called dragon tail rahu is called dragon's head.In numerology it represents number gives magical result in one's life...The bur ning example is our Indian cricket team Ms dhoni whose psychic number and destiny number both comes 7. 7-7-7 is a rare combina...
JUPITER PLANET Jupiter is called the teacher(Guru) in astrology. The most beneficial planet in the horoscope. It controls four things wealth,education,marriage and child. If someone's guru is good then he gets awesome result in all the four things.Jupiter aspects in most beneficial and fruitful. Movement from one sign to other is of 1year and 1 month....currently jupiter is exalted and it is in cancer sign till next june-july.Elder brother is seen from jupiter....Those whose jupiter is strong is an excellent counsellor and guides in an excellent way it gives writing skills also. Jupiter is exalted in cancer sign and debalitated in capricorn sign....the stone recommendation for jupiter is genuine MERCURY PLANET Mercury is related to intellect, wisdom and communication. Generally all those persons who are in media and communication fields have very good mercury in their horoscope. It is related to singing also. In late mangeshkar horoscope mercury is ...

Gemstone Recommendation for each Ascendant

Recommended Gemstones for each Ascendant....:- 1) Aries- a). life stone is Coral(Moonga) will give confidence, improve health and helps in getting success. b). Destiny stone is-Sapphire(pukhraj)---destiny will start favouring 2) TAURAUS lif e stone-Opal or diamond destiny stone is blue sapphire 3)  Gemini Life stone-Emerald(panna) destiny stone-Blue sapphire 4) cancer life stone-Pear(moti) destiny stone- Sapphire 5) Leo life stone-Ruby destiny stone-Coral(moonga) 6) virgo life stone-Emerald destiny stone-opal or diamond 7) Libra life stone-Opal or diamond destiny stone-Emerald(panna) 8) Scorpio life stone-Coral(Moonga) destiny stone-Pear(moti) 9) Sagittarius Life stone-Sapphire(pukhraj) destiny stone-Ruby(manek) 10) Capricorn life stone-Blue sapphire destiny stone-Emerald(panna) 11) Aquarious life stone-Blue sapphire(neelam) destiny stone-opal or diamond 12) Pisces life stone-Sapphire destiny stone-Coral(moonga) Identify your Gemstone and get genuine from  www.kundaligems....

Pisces Ascendant

PISCES(MEENA) PISCES RISING TEMPERAMENT As a Pisces rising, you have an active imagination. You may be talented artistically, if not you at least have a great love for art. You like to entertain and be social. You are warm with your friends and lovers. You are good to people. You love romance. You like all the good things in life: food, clothes, fine dining, traveling, fine champagne, wines and l iquors. You like eras gone by; you appreciate the way people lived, the way people dressed, the music, the furnishings. You may even think aloud how much you feel you should have been born in a particular time You like to keep things that have a sentimental meaning for you. You have tender feelings and sad stories move you. Lost animals, mistreated animals, lost children, and unhappy human beings make you sad. Personally, when a friend is sad you are sad. You always choose to believe that life can be perfect even though we all know that a perfect life is impossible. You're seemingly laid-...

Aquarious Ascendant

AQUARIOUS(KUMBH) AQUARIUS RISING TENDENCIES As an Aquarius rising you are imaginative. You are a virtual artist in the way you can't paint a picture with your words. You are beguiling with your charm yet levelheaded too. You would make a great leader. As an Aquarius rising you have a unique look. You are imaginative in the way you dress and you believe that you're a trendsetter. You think in f uture tense; in the future, there is always something waiting for you to grab hold of. Your biggest hope for humanity would be peace and happiness; you are so noble-minded. You want to see the best in everyone. The future for the world is always brighter in your mind. Aquarius rising people are easy to be friends with. They are honest about who they are. Aquarian ascendants are naturally inclined to tell you the truth. They are also amusing to be with. You aren't very patient with other people’s small faults; to show your impatience you make wry comments that are actually funny ...